One of the definitions of perception:
The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
Definitions of impression:
idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one
formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.
An effect produced on someone.
A difference made by the action or presence of someone or something.
In regards to geocaching this is very important in order to maintain a relationship with non-geocachers and land managers.
However, it appears that there are always those one, or two or more geocachers that just do not get this premise.
Toads & Roads
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. - Winston Churchill
Welcome to Toads & Roads .
Sometimes I may be sarcastic. That is what it is. Not asking you to like it or appreciate it but know that I will sometimes say exactly what I think.
Your choice to read, agree or disagree.
When I keep quiet and walk away, don't think you've won. I walked away because you weren't worth my time.
Please feel free to comment... I don't bite and welcome the interaction
Friday, 6 May 2022
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Am I back?
Hmmm.. am I back blogging? Maybe.. I do know it has been some time since I blogged. So much has happened, been to a few more places, trips, another cruise. Started playing other geo games. Staying away from controversy.. Yeah I know. Until now. What? More? Well I will get to that eventually but just putting my toe back in the water to see how it feels. Lots happening, and lots more in the future. Stay tuned.
Please interact with my blog. It's always good to hear from others.
Let me know what you want to read about, talk about, etc..
Please interact with my blog. It's always good to hear from others.
Let me know what you want to read about, talk about, etc..
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Feb 24, 2016
So I am resurrecting this post because today is ANTI-BULLYING DAY...and I have been accused...even though I wrote about it I did not consider myself as being bullying...but it is easy for someone to turn things around..even though I have been targeted for the past few years...but, sometimes I innuendos and's human nature....I honestly do not mean it to be perceived as's trying to get you to see that what you allow and do is wrong, whether you like me or would you feel if this was happening to your children? your grandchildren? Take a look at the chart below..where do you stand? if it is anywhere but G then you too are a bully...
Well I took this blog down due to some misunderstanding in what I was trying to convey. A few supporters got it but also few that didn't. Basically this is not just about me. It is a problem elsewhere as well and it would seem that it is not recognized. So what I have done is try to depersonalize this. Edits are in red. Try to see them in a different light.
Yes, I am saying that out loud. There is a certain factionof geocachers
in my area that have taken it upon themselves to attempt to destroy my
reputation and spread lies about me. For the most part I have ignored
them. Yes, it bothers me. That is what makes all of us human. The ability to "feel". Will it "get" to me? Not in the long run. I am not asking for sympathy.. I can find that in the dictionary, you know between S... & S.....
It is time they stopped. How? This is where YOU come in. Do you even know what bullying is? I bet you do. If it was happening to your child you would step in immediately. But when it is happening to an adultto a 55 year old woman it doesn't matter? The effects are the same.
Bullies, bullies everywhere
Adult bullying takes place at the park, in parent committees and kids’ sporting events; among people in volunteer and peer groups; and even in families. In my case, among an unorganized group of people with the same interest.
The Canada Safety Council defines
adult bullying as a “grab for control by an insecure, inadequate
person, an exercise of power through the humiliation of the target.” It
involves humiliation or abusive words that lower a person’s self-esteem.
It can take the form of rude, degrading or offensive remarks;
intimidating gestures; or discrediting a person by spreading rumours,
ridiculing her or calling into question his/her convictions and private
life. It can also be about belittling a person.
Here is a basic guide to bullying inmy world at the moment:
Defamation is communication about a person that tends to hurt the person's reputation. The communication must be made to other people, not just to the person it's about. The statement must be false to be classified as defamation. If it is spoken, then defamation is termed “slander". If it is written, it is termed “libel”. It can also be a gesture, which is a type of slander.
Now because they don't name me it is hard to prove. They know that. The important thing to them is that I know that. But it is still LIBEL and SLANDER.
So is this just my problem? NO! It is a community problem. I am a log reader. I like to peruse cache logs and see what others write about a cache. And not just my local caches but caches in places I plan to visit or ones that I have heard about. I see all sorts of what can be construed as badgering, bullying, etc. You, the geocaching community have an obligation to end this now. You, as a whole have the obligation to stopthis group this practice by refusing to listen to them, by informing them that their actions are not acceptable.
Why am I making this public? Because my previous blogs about bullying in the geocaching community have not done anything. Face it, you cannot escape this by sitting on the fence, turning a blind eye, ignoring it, pretending it is not happening, or thinking that I am overreacting.
Have they won because I am putting this out there? Absolutely not! On the contrary I am fighting back. Maybe this is a reverse form of bullying. Bullying by bullying. What is a person to do?I am not a Don't be a quitter and even if they are "getting to me you" I will do not give them the satisfaction of quitting.
Most of you will not know anything about this. That's OK. Now you know. Now you are aware that there is something going on inour the community that is wrong.
Where are you on that chart? Time to take a stand...
Now I am not asking you to make a decision that what they are telling you is wrong or right. What I am asking you is to STOP allowing them to use you and/or your cache logs to perpetuate this problem. I am asking you to let them know that what they are doing is unacceptable. What I am asking you to do is to STOP being a co-dependent to their cause.
You never know who will be next....
It might be you they talk to, write about, it might be your child.
Additional comments: Please realize that this is a problem that can happen anywhere to anyone...What would you do?
So I am resurrecting this post because today is ANTI-BULLYING DAY...and I have been accused...even though I wrote about it I did not consider myself as being bullying...but it is easy for someone to turn things around..even though I have been targeted for the past few years...but, sometimes I innuendos and's human nature....I honestly do not mean it to be perceived as's trying to get you to see that what you allow and do is wrong, whether you like me or would you feel if this was happening to your children? your grandchildren? Take a look at the chart below..where do you stand? if it is anywhere but G then you too are a bully...
Well I took this blog down due to some misunderstanding in what I was trying to convey. A few supporters got it but also few that didn't. Basically this is not just about me. It is a problem elsewhere as well and it would seem that it is not recognized. So what I have done is try to depersonalize this. Edits are in red. Try to see them in a different light.
Yes, I am saying that out loud. There is a certain faction
It is time they stopped. How? This is where YOU come in. Do you even know what bullying is? I bet you do. If it was happening to your child you would step in immediately. But when it is happening to an adult
Bullies, bullies everywhere
Adult bullying takes place at the park, in parent committees and kids’ sporting events; among people in volunteer and peer groups; and even in families. In my case, among an unorganized group of people with the same interest.

Here is a basic guide to bullying in
- Social:
- Spreading gossip or rumours
about me - Making
mesomeone look foolish - Electronic: using computer and email to:
- threaten or hurt
my someone'sfeelings - single out, embarrass or make
mesomeone look bad - spread rumours
about me
Defamation is communication about a person that tends to hurt the person's reputation. The communication must be made to other people, not just to the person it's about. The statement must be false to be classified as defamation. If it is spoken, then defamation is termed “slander". If it is written, it is termed “libel”. It can also be a gesture, which is a type of slander.
Now because they don't name me it is hard to prove. They know that. The important thing to them is that I know that. But it is still LIBEL and SLANDER.
So is this just my problem? NO! It is a community problem. I am a log reader. I like to peruse cache logs and see what others write about a cache. And not just my local caches but caches in places I plan to visit or ones that I have heard about. I see all sorts of what can be construed as badgering, bullying, etc. You, the geocaching community have an obligation to end this now. You, as a whole have the obligation to stop
Why am I making this public? Because my previous blogs about bullying in the geocaching community have not done anything. Face it, you cannot escape this by sitting on the fence, turning a blind eye, ignoring it, pretending it is not happening, or thinking that I am overreacting.
Have they won because I am putting this out there? Absolutely not! On the contrary I am fighting back. Maybe this is a reverse form of bullying. Bullying by bullying. What is a person to do?
Most of you will not know anything about this. That's OK. Now you know. Now you are aware that there is something going on in

Now I am not asking you to make a decision that what they are telling you is wrong or right. What I am asking you is to STOP allowing them to use you and/or your cache logs to perpetuate this problem. I am asking you to let them know that what they are doing is unacceptable. What I am asking you to do is to STOP being a co-dependent to their cause.
You never know who will be next....
It might be you they talk to, write about, it might be your child.
Additional comments: Please realize that this is a problem that can happen anywhere to anyone...What would you do?
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
My head hurts from shaking it....
Welcome to my blog...thanks to the cacher who sent you...please feel free to read all my posts...welcome to my world
Sometimes geocaching makes me shake my head...
I have a major flaw....I trust people...I believe in their innate goodness...but....I know from experience that some really don't think about others the way I view others. Yes, I have some friends that goodness radiates from them like a beacon. I treasure those friends for they are the moral compass that I aspire to..
However,this thing called geocaching, seems to bring out the worst in people...
Recently I experienced major rudeness from geocachers that know me I am not asking them to like me...but, when I say HI, or am standing right beside is RUDE to look through me, ignore me, turn your back, etc. Now, I never really expected anything else because although I still expect more from people, I have come to expect the worst. And I must admit I respond by putting you on the spot. Did I make you uncomfortable? Mad? Good...
RUDE = Ill-mannered, discourteous, or insulting
Here's a news flash...I am not going to go away so get over yourself...
Now some recent geocaches in my area and some comments on a recently archived cache has prompted me to create a couple of poems.
Sometimes geocaching makes me shake my head...
I have a major flaw....I trust people...I believe in their innate goodness...but....I know from experience that some really don't think about others the way I view others. Yes, I have some friends that goodness radiates from them like a beacon. I treasure those friends for they are the moral compass that I aspire to..
However,this thing called geocaching, seems to bring out the worst in people...
Recently I experienced major rudeness from geocachers that know me I am not asking them to like me...but, when I say HI, or am standing right beside is RUDE to look through me, ignore me, turn your back, etc. Now, I never really expected anything else because although I still expect more from people, I have come to expect the worst. And I must admit I respond by putting you on the spot. Did I make you uncomfortable? Mad? Good...
RUDE = Ill-mannered, discourteous, or insulting
Here's a news flash...I am not going to go away so get over yourself...
Now some recent geocaches in my area and some comments on a recently archived cache has prompted me to create a couple of poems.
It's plain I do not see
The need to bend or fold a tree
The forest companies, they paid fees
For each and everyone of those trees
To think that bending does no harm
Raises red flags and sounds the alarm
Land managers, owners, the public see
Only that we bend the tree
For perception is a powerful tool
That keeps us honest, and not a fool
The need to bend or fold a tree
The forest companies, they paid fees
For each and everyone of those trees
To think that bending does no harm
Raises red flags and sounds the alarm
Land managers, owners, the public see
Only that we bend the tree
For perception is a powerful tool
That keeps us honest, and not a fool
Oh a puzzle cache I do see
I wonder what the clue will be
I fear I will never find
The solution before it breaks my mind
I cannot get inside the CO's head
So I resort to other ways instead
It doesn't matter how you solve
For puzzles they manage to evolve
One way for you, one way for me
Whatever cures your sanity
How I solve may not be your way
But we all have a different style of play
As long as I find and sign the sheet
The way I got there is not a cheat
So you may think you are the "one"
But we are all trying to have some fun
So try to lighten up your mood
And relax your attitude
I wonder what the clue will be
I fear I will never find
The solution before it breaks my mind
I cannot get inside the CO's head
So I resort to other ways instead
It doesn't matter how you solve
For puzzles they manage to evolve
One way for you, one way for me
Whatever cures your sanity
How I solve may not be your way
But we all have a different style of play
As long as I find and sign the sheet
The way I got there is not a cheat
So you may think you are the "one"
But we are all trying to have some fun
So try to lighten up your mood
And relax your attitude
Thursday, 24 December 2015
2015 was a very good year!
Well I haven't blogged for awhile and decided that it was time to get back into it with a little rehash of my geocaching year...
started out fairly quietly but we had made plans. First out of the gate was a Caribbean Cruise
at the end of February. Not wanting to
go all that way and back Paul and I extended our holiday to include a layover
in Dallas for 4 days. We visited The Grassy Knoll in Dallas as well as the oldest in Texas..Tombstone We rented a car and managed a 4 states in one day, geocaching through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and
Louisiana..From Dallas we flew to Puerto Rico and spent a fun filled 2 ½ days
exploring old San Juan and the forts and a day in the rain forest. All this while managing a few geocaches here and there of course. Then onto the Experience of the Seas with 48
like minded individuals. We spent a fair
amount of time off on our own and managed to take in and enjoy lots of island
life. A cache or two on each island rounded us out quite well.
July we flew to Winnipeg (my first time that far east). Rented a car and
explored the Lake of The Woods in Ontario before heading back through Minnesota
into Manitoba. Managed to grab the oldest cache in Manitoba for my 10,000 find! C1BUA - cache 1n a builtup area
Headed north to Dauphin
for some fun time at Country Legends Manitoba 2015 (WestCan5) with friends.
saw us hit the road again. This time we
took a couple of caching friends with us and went to Long Beach Washington for
a week long road trip. And I actually
drove on the beach.. Just a little bit. We had a lot of fun at Cache Dash Splash
Friday, 3 July 2015
Moving on
The very first BCGA AGM I went to was in Nanaimo. At that time the vote
was taken on the floor after nominations had been presented. I was
asked to say a few words and I stated that environmental issues and how
geocaching affects them were important to me. I then left the room and
came back as an elected director at large.
Things have since moved on and I am currently the sitting secretary. I still believe strongly in how geocaching affects the environment and will continue to do so.
I have been proud to be on the BCGA executive over the past few years. The experience has enriched me and I will leave with new friends and like minded people. But, it is time for new blood. One can only contribute so much before moving on and giving someone else a chance.
I want to wish and encourage any future executive member to reach out with both hands and grasp the experience of having some input into the geocaching future of the Province of British Columbia. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to compromise. We are a very diverse group from all over the province with our own ideas. Let’s all work together and build a sustainable future for all geocachers.
To those that have nothing better to do than complain and belittle, remember that the executive are volunteers sometimes with no knowledge or practical experience with the job they are taking on. Everything is a learning curve. and, not only for the executive but for the members. When talking, emailing, commenting, etc. please remember how you would like to be spoken to. We all read the written word differently and we all interpret things differently. Laying blame or constant criticism is demeaning and IMO a bullying tactic. So always think before you speak or write and think about how you want to be perceived....
On July 11, 2015 a new executive will be elected. Please give them all the positive support you can especially through transition. If you must criticize please remember it could be you.
Things have since moved on and I am currently the sitting secretary. I still believe strongly in how geocaching affects the environment and will continue to do so.
I have been proud to be on the BCGA executive over the past few years. The experience has enriched me and I will leave with new friends and like minded people. But, it is time for new blood. One can only contribute so much before moving on and giving someone else a chance.
I want to wish and encourage any future executive member to reach out with both hands and grasp the experience of having some input into the geocaching future of the Province of British Columbia. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and don’t be afraid to compromise. We are a very diverse group from all over the province with our own ideas. Let’s all work together and build a sustainable future for all geocachers.
To those that have nothing better to do than complain and belittle, remember that the executive are volunteers sometimes with no knowledge or practical experience with the job they are taking on. Everything is a learning curve. and, not only for the executive but for the members. When talking, emailing, commenting, etc. please remember how you would like to be spoken to. We all read the written word differently and we all interpret things differently. Laying blame or constant criticism is demeaning and IMO a bullying tactic. So always think before you speak or write and think about how you want to be perceived....
On July 11, 2015 a new executive will be elected. Please give them all the positive support you can especially through transition. If you must criticize please remember it could be you.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
To Premium or not!!
When I first started geocaching I used an older Magellan that I had to manually enter every set of coordinates. Then I graduated to a Magellan Explorist and I discovered the ability to send directly to my GPSr.
And then GSAK happened..the ability to send pocket queries to my GPSr ...Ah wait I can only get pocket queries if I am a Premium Member? Well I am hooked and no matter where I am I look for caches and plan outings and holidays around caching so Premium I became. I love being a premium member for what it offers offers a pay user system that has benefits: Pocket Queries, Premium Geocaches, Bookmark lists, Trip Planning, Instant Notifications, Favorites, Select of your Map Provider, Filter geocaches, Statistics, Paperless geocaching, Access to the Geocaching Live API, Access to all Groundspeak websites, & Audit Logs
There are some that think the instant notifications are cheating at getting the FTF's..Well I used to get FTF's long before I became premium.. if I happened to be online when it was published. Of course there were not as many cachers or caches then.
The paperless geocaching nowadays is a must for me. I remember all the paper I wasted printing and carrying around. I still do that when I am traveling but I only print virtuals and earthcaches for the notes and answers etc..
Bookmark lists are awesome for challenge caches, favorites, must dos, etc..
The ability to flip back and forth between map types can be very handy when you are looking for an access road, logging road, or trail.
I absolutely love the ability to trip plan. I always check out my route/road(s) first and then plan my queries for caching along routes. That and the ability to filter makes my caching trip more versatile. I can choose the type, size, etc that I want to find along the way.
Now the one thing about premium membership that I rarely use is PREMIUM CACHES and AUDIT LOGS. At this time I have absolutely NO Premium caches hid and therefore the Audit Log is useless as they go hand in hand.. I have no cache that is really worth making Premium as I want EVERYONE to find my caches not just premium members. There is a lot of talk that Premium caches are safer.. I say balderdash...The majority of premium caches I find are are usually just micros in the woods...and some of them so hard to find even an experienced cacher has difficulties.. the chance of them being found by a non cacher is slim to none...In my opinion the only reason they are premium caches are to be able to audit their logs.. Premium cache owners can see who, when, and how many times a cacher opened their cache page. What is that for?
My area has a profusion of premium caches. I feel so sorry for a new cacher that does not have premium.. One, he is unable to see or find those caches, and, two, how the hell is he supposed to hide any? In my opinion it is a pretty good way to discourage a newbie as every time he goes to hide a cache he can't because there is a hidden premium cache there..Good way to discourage a large amount of finds on your cache as well if only say 50% of cachers even know it's there...
And then GSAK happened..the ability to send pocket queries to my GPSr ...Ah wait I can only get pocket queries if I am a Premium Member? Well I am hooked and no matter where I am I look for caches and plan outings and holidays around caching so Premium I became. I love being a premium member for what it offers offers a pay user system that has benefits: Pocket Queries, Premium Geocaches, Bookmark lists, Trip Planning, Instant Notifications, Favorites, Select of your Map Provider, Filter geocaches, Statistics, Paperless geocaching, Access to the Geocaching Live API, Access to all Groundspeak websites, & Audit Logs
There are some that think the instant notifications are cheating at getting the FTF's..Well I used to get FTF's long before I became premium.. if I happened to be online when it was published. Of course there were not as many cachers or caches then.
The paperless geocaching nowadays is a must for me. I remember all the paper I wasted printing and carrying around. I still do that when I am traveling but I only print virtuals and earthcaches for the notes and answers etc..
Bookmark lists are awesome for challenge caches, favorites, must dos, etc..
The ability to flip back and forth between map types can be very handy when you are looking for an access road, logging road, or trail.
I absolutely love the ability to trip plan. I always check out my route/road(s) first and then plan my queries for caching along routes. That and the ability to filter makes my caching trip more versatile. I can choose the type, size, etc that I want to find along the way.
Now the one thing about premium membership that I rarely use is PREMIUM CACHES and AUDIT LOGS. At this time I have absolutely NO Premium caches hid and therefore the Audit Log is useless as they go hand in hand.. I have no cache that is really worth making Premium as I want EVERYONE to find my caches not just premium members. There is a lot of talk that Premium caches are safer.. I say balderdash...The majority of premium caches I find are are usually just micros in the woods...and some of them so hard to find even an experienced cacher has difficulties.. the chance of them being found by a non cacher is slim to none...In my opinion the only reason they are premium caches are to be able to audit their logs.. Premium cache owners can see who, when, and how many times a cacher opened their cache page. What is that for?
My area has a profusion of premium caches. I feel so sorry for a new cacher that does not have premium.. One, he is unable to see or find those caches, and, two, how the hell is he supposed to hide any? In my opinion it is a pretty good way to discourage a newbie as every time he goes to hide a cache he can't because there is a hidden premium cache there..Good way to discourage a large amount of finds on your cache as well if only say 50% of cachers even know it's there...
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