So I am resurrecting this post because today is ANTI-BULLYING DAY...and I have been accused...even though I wrote about it I did not consider myself as being bullying...but it is easy for someone to turn things around..even though I have been targeted for the past few years...but, sometimes I innuendos and's human nature....I honestly do not mean it to be perceived as's trying to get you to see that what you allow and do is wrong, whether you like me or would you feel if this was happening to your children? your grandchildren? Take a look at the chart below..where do you stand? if it is anywhere but G then you too are a bully...
Well I took this blog down due to some misunderstanding in what I was trying to convey. A few supporters got it but also few that didn't. Basically this is not just about me. It is a problem elsewhere as well and it would seem that it is not recognized. So what I have done is try to depersonalize this. Edits are in red. Try to see them in a different light.
Yes, I am saying that out loud. There is a certain faction
It is time they stopped. How? This is where YOU come in. Do you even know what bullying is? I bet you do. If it was happening to your child you would step in immediately. But when it is happening to an adult
Bullies, bullies everywhere
Adult bullying takes place at the park, in parent committees and kids’ sporting events; among people in volunteer and peer groups; and even in families. In my case, among an unorganized group of people with the same interest.
Here is a basic guide to bullying in
- Social:
- Spreading gossip or rumours
about me - Making
mesomeone look foolish - Electronic: using computer and email to:
- threaten or hurt
my someone'sfeelings - single out, embarrass or make
mesomeone look bad - spread rumours
about me
Defamation is communication about a person that tends to hurt the person's reputation. The communication must be made to other people, not just to the person it's about. The statement must be false to be classified as defamation. If it is spoken, then defamation is termed “slander". If it is written, it is termed “libel”. It can also be a gesture, which is a type of slander.
Now because they don't name me it is hard to prove. They know that. The important thing to them is that I know that. But it is still LIBEL and SLANDER.
So is this just my problem? NO! It is a community problem. I am a log reader. I like to peruse cache logs and see what others write about a cache. And not just my local caches but caches in places I plan to visit or ones that I have heard about. I see all sorts of what can be construed as badgering, bullying, etc. You, the geocaching community have an obligation to end this now. You, as a whole have the obligation to stop
Why am I making this public? Because my previous blogs about bullying in the geocaching community have not done anything. Face it, you cannot escape this by sitting on the fence, turning a blind eye, ignoring it, pretending it is not happening, or thinking that I am overreacting.
Have they won because I am putting this out there? Absolutely not! On the contrary I am fighting back. Maybe this is a reverse form of bullying. Bullying by bullying. What is a person to do?
Most of you will not know anything about this. That's OK. Now you know. Now you are aware that there is something going on in
Now I am not asking you to make a decision that what they are telling you is wrong or right. What I am asking you is to STOP allowing them to use you and/or your cache logs to perpetuate this problem. I am asking you to let them know that what they are doing is unacceptable. What I am asking you to do is to STOP being a co-dependent to their cause.
You never know who will be next....
It might be you they talk to, write about, it might be your child.
Additional comments: Please realize that this is a problem that can happen anywhere to anyone...What would you do?
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