Welcome to Toads & Roads .

This is my blog. Here I will try to maintain a sense of humor and fairness. It might not always be possible but I will try, I really will.
Sometimes I may be sarcastic. That is what it is. Not asking you to like it or appreciate it but know that I will sometimes say exactly what I think.
Your choice to read, agree or disagree.

When I keep quiet and walk away, don't think you've won. I walked away because you weren't worth my time.

Please feel free to comment... I don't bite and welcome the interaction

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

A couple of FTF's make the drive worthwhile

Was just heading out the door to take the JR's for a short walk when I get notification that there were some new caches.  I quickly hook up the Garmin and download two caches up in the Buttle Lake area of Strathcona Park in my old hiding grounds.  Turns out both of them are more or less right were I shut down a couple of park caches this spring. One of them is hidden in exactly the same spot.  Oh yeah, a drive, two FTF's and a lovely but short walk with the JR's.  I get home and go to log them and discover two more out in Ralph River.  Well, not going back out today but a general excuse for another rainy day drive and a walk under the trees.  So glad that another cacher has picked up the ball and started hiding in the Buttle Lake area  Great trails and scenery.

Monday, 3 October 2011

October, fall weather, and geocaches

Well October has arrived and so has the fall weather.  Looks like any chance of a mild fall or winter is out the window.  I finally gave in a turned on the heat.  The pets were starting to shiver.  Now that's not good.
Went for a walk yesterday and retreived/archived a couple more caches.  They were down an old road through a slash.  Happened by them the other day and lo and behold the road had been reopened so I thought I better check on them.  One of them was about 6 inches from being buried.  How did I miss that?
Well with all this cache maintenance and archival I have turned my eye towards another area and the awesome trails on them.  I will have a partner in crime and have some interesting thoughts.  One of them may require a change of clothes after doing the cache.   mwahahahahaha