Welcome to Toads & Roads .

This is my blog. Here I will try to maintain a sense of humor and fairness. It might not always be possible but I will try, I really will.
Sometimes I may be sarcastic. That is what it is. Not asking you to like it or appreciate it but know that I will sometimes say exactly what I think.
Your choice to read, agree or disagree.

When I keep quiet and walk away, don't think you've won. I walked away because you weren't worth my time.

Please feel free to comment... I don't bite and welcome the interaction

Thursday 5 September 2013

50th Parallel View

After caching every day in August completing the 31/31 challenge, one would think that it was time to take a break.  But, it is really hard and I was getting antsy sitting at home.  It was Sept 1st and at least one JR and I needed a walk.  Finally after lunch I looked to see what cache would meet these requirements.  I happened to notice that a cache west of me had not yet been found since it's publication 2 weeks ago.  Being a Sunday I figured someone would go out and get it in the morning but the objective was to get out of the house anyway.
I set off around 1 pm knowing that I could only get so far with my car.  I did manage to get as far as I thought I would so parked it off to the side so not to impede anyone else on the road. 
Charlie, the "wee dog" was soooo excited to be going for a walk.. He charged up the hill with occasional stops to check back on me. I managed to huff and puff my way up at my speed, not his...

There was one spot on the road up that had a big mud puddle on it.  I managed to find a way around it but Charlie had to go part way through it before he could get off to the side.  Good thing he is not afraid of water!  On the way back he followed my way around..

Once at the top I took the time to look around.  I never tire of the views.  Headed into the bush via a quad track and soon popped out onto the bluffs.  I wasn't in any hurry to find the cache so sat for a bit and just relaxed.  
Off to the cache!  Found it pretty quick thanks to some great coordinates and clue.

I made sure I got some great pictures and then headed back down.  The trip back was a tad faster of course.
Had a bit of a chuckle when after I got the car turned around I pulled over for a minute and this vehicle pulled up beside me and asked if I was ok.  Guess he wasn't used to seeing a female out in the bush on a backroad to often. Nice of him to stop though.

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