Welcome to Toads & Roads .

This is my blog. Here I will try to maintain a sense of humor and fairness. It might not always be possible but I will try, I really will.
Sometimes I may be sarcastic. That is what it is. Not asking you to like it or appreciate it but know that I will sometimes say exactly what I think.
Your choice to read, agree or disagree.

When I keep quiet and walk away, don't think you've won. I walked away because you weren't worth my time.

Please feel free to comment... I don't bite and welcome the interaction

Monday 8 April 2013

So your Cache Needs Maintenance

So you have a few (or more) hides and everything is going along nicely.  And then, you get an email stating that someone has posted a "Needs Maintenance" log on your cache.  Hopefully you will read it and see what they have to say and if necessary go out and fix the problem ASAP.
Or are you one of those owners that ignore the note and hope that someone else will fix the problem?
One of the things about being a cache owner is the constant maintenance of what you hide.  It is not the responsibility of other cachers to constantly maintain your caches.  If they are prepared or asked in advance then they may do the maintenance for you.  However, you are still responsible. 
When another cacher places a needs maintenance note on your cache then you will receive notification of such.  From that point forward there will be a "Red Wrench"  beside your cache listing for all to see.  Now I have seen that and sometimes gone prepared and replaced logs, dried out caches, removed some pretty ugly stuff, and in some instances replaced the cache container. 
But, even when this has happened and I have posted a note saying the maintenance has been done or the CO has done it, the "Red Wrench" is still there.  Why? Well the CO has to actually post an "Owner Maintenance" log on the cache.  Just enabling it or ignoring it will not do the trick.