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When I keep quiet and walk away, don't think you've won. I walked away because you weren't worth my time.

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Tuesday 12 May 2015

To Premium or not!!

When I first started geocaching I used an older Magellan that I had to manually enter every set of coordinates.  Then I graduated to a Magellan Explorist and I discovered the ability to send directly to my GPSr.
And then GSAK happened..the ability to send pocket queries to my GPSr ...Ah wait I can only get pocket queries if  I am a Premium Member?  Well I am hooked and no matter where I am I look for caches and plan outings and holidays around caching so Premium I  became.  I love being a premium member for what it offers

Geocaching.com offers a pay user system that has benefits: Pocket Queries,     Premium Geocaches, Bookmark lists, Trip Planning, Instant Notifications, Favorites, Select of your Map Provider, Filter geocaches, Statistics, Paperless geocaching, Access to the Geocaching Live API, Access to all Groundspeak websites, & Audit Logs

There are some that think the instant notifications are cheating at getting the FTF's..Well I used to get FTF's long before I became premium.. if I happened to be online when it was published.  Of course there were not as many cachers or caches then.

The paperless geocaching nowadays is a must for me.  I remember all the paper I wasted printing and carrying around.  I still do that when I am traveling but I only print virtuals and earthcaches for the notes and answers etc..

Bookmark lists are awesome for challenge caches, favorites, must dos, etc..

The ability to flip back and forth between map types can be very handy when you are looking for an access road, logging road, or trail.

I absolutely love the ability to trip plan. I always check out my route/road(s) first and then plan my queries for caching along routes.  That and the ability to filter makes my caching trip more versatile.  I can choose the type, size, etc that I want to find along the way.

Now the one thing about premium membership that I rarely use is PREMIUM CACHES and AUDIT LOGS.   At this time I have absolutely NO Premium caches hid and therefore the Audit Log is useless as they go hand in hand.. I have no cache that is really worth making Premium as I want EVERYONE to find my caches not just premium members.  There is a lot of talk that Premium caches are safer.. I say balderdash...The majority of premium caches I find are are usually just micros in the woods...and some of them so hard to find even an experienced cacher has difficulties.. the chance of them being found by a non cacher is slim to none...In my opinion the only reason they are premium caches are to be able to audit their logs.. Premium cache owners can see who, when, and how many times a cacher opened their cache page.  What is that for? 

My area has a profusion of premium caches.  I feel so sorry for a new cacher that does not have premium..  One, he is unable to see or find those caches, and, two, how the hell is he supposed to hide any?  In my opinion it is a pretty good way to discourage a newbie as every time he goes to hide a cache he can't because there is a hidden premium cache there..Good way to discourage a large amount of finds on your cache as well if only say 50% of cachers even know it's there...

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot about the Audit Log thing, I never use it, most of my caches are not Premium but have a few in more "sensitive" areas. some people complain about having to pay but I think it is well worth the cost and sure a lot cheaper than most hobbies. As far as newbies hiding caches I think when they start the submission form they can see where caches are as far as proximity and then can pick a nearby spot if the one they have chosen doesn't work out.. it happens to me sometimes to, a puzzle final I have not known or forgotten about. and frankly I think you should be a committed cacher, i.e. premium member before you hide a cache anyway.. way too many folks just doing it on a whim, with no intention of maintaining etc. Yes, I realize there are experienced cachers doing that to.
