Welcome to Toads & Roads .

This is my blog. Here I will try to maintain a sense of humor and fairness. It might not always be possible but I will try, I really will.
Sometimes I may be sarcastic. That is what it is. Not asking you to like it or appreciate it but know that I will sometimes say exactly what I think.
Your choice to read, agree or disagree.

When I keep quiet and walk away, don't think you've won. I walked away because you weren't worth my time.

Please feel free to comment... I don't bite and welcome the interaction

Tuesday 9 February 2016

My head hurts from shaking it....

Welcome to my blog...thanks to the cacher who sent you...please feel free to read all my posts...welcome to my world

Sometimes geocaching makes me shake my head... 

I have a major flaw....I trust people...I believe in their innate goodness...but....I know from experience that some really don't think about others the way I view others.  Yes, I have some friends that goodness radiates from them like a beacon.  I treasure those friends for they are the moral compass that I aspire to..

However,this thing called geocaching, seems to bring out the worst in people...
Recently I experienced major rudeness from geocachers that know me  I am not asking them to like me...but, when I say HI, or am standing right beside you...it is RUDE to look through me, ignore me, turn your back, etc.  Now, I never really expected anything else because although I still expect more from people, I have come to expect the worst.   And I must admit I respond by putting you on the spot.  Did I make you uncomfortable? Mad?  Good...

RUDE = Ill-mannered, discourteous, or insulting

Here's a news flash...I am not going to go away so get over yourself...

Now some recent geocaches in my area and some comments on a recently archived cache has prompted me to create a couple of poems.  

 It's plain I do not see
The need to bend or fold a tree
The forest companies, they paid fees
For each and everyone of those trees
To think that bending does no harm
Raises red flags and sounds the alarm
Land managers, owners, the public see
Only that we bend the tree
For perception is a powerful tool
That keeps us honest, and not a fool

Oh a puzzle cache I do see
I wonder what the clue will be
I fear I will never find
The solution before it breaks my mind
I cannot get inside the CO's head
So I resort to other ways instead
It doesn't matter how you solve
For puzzles they manage to evolve
One way for you, one way for me
Whatever cures your sanity
How I solve may not be your way
But we all have a different style of play
As long as I find and sign the sheet
The way I got there is not a cheat
So you may think you are the "one"
But we are all trying to have some fun
So try to lighten up your mood
And relax your attitude



  1. Putting the blame for seeing it necessary to archive a cache with a faulty puzzle on the person who has the smarts to figure out the location IN SPITE of having to deal with the faulty puzzle IS ABSURD. "faulty": producing several different "correct" results, leading to having to resort to guesswork.

  2. So apparently solving the puzzle (which I did solve) only to find multiple possible solutions and then using google earth to eliminate some of the variables (ones that land in the water), and then going to the geochecker is cheating. If thats the case then I'll cheat every time you hide a flawed puzzle. Its called using what resources are at your disposal. It was a good puzzle though. fun to solve. All the CO did was ruin it for everyone else who was working on it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The CO states he didn't call anyone a cheat but a log on a cache pages states exactly that. CO's need to take responsibility for what is written on their cache page. Ultimately they are the ones responsible. By allowing the log to stand as written they are giving their approval of the comment and the perception is that they agree ...regardless of what they say
